Onofrio Acone

Photos: Onofrio Acone and CinqueSegni

I believe it was on Instagram where I saw work from Onofrio Acone passing by. A ceramic maker who creates the most stunning objects. Especially his big vases like the blue circle vase got my attention. Onofrio has been an entrepreneur since 1997 and was raised in creative surroundings. His parents opened a ceramic workshop in their garage in Salerno where he got to experience the beauty of ceramics. 

Over time the studio that started small has developed into a ceramics production company and the industry as it is now. He never leaves the sector and has always had the desire to express his creativity by making small sculptures, vases and paintings exclusively by hand. Without the help of any machine, but only by using the simplest techniques and above all by bringing the material together with his own hands. 

Since the early 1990s Onofrio has been teaching himself all techniques in the family’s ceramic studio by only following the instinct of his creativity. The tools that he is working with often come from nature. That can vary from pieces of wood to forge the different types of clay, fabrics to print textures or pieces of metal to imperfectly cut other materials with.

The blue circle vase belongs to my favourites from his collection. The blue tone is beautiful and I am sure the vase will create a statement in the interior by its size and shape. On his website, this vase is available for 1400 euros. Which makes this one of the more expensive items on his website. 

He is not only remarkable for his work with ceramics, but since 2008 he also started working with wine. Together with his friends, he is the founder of CinqueSegni, a completely innovative winery. They had the desire to give new light to the wine industry by bringing wine and art together.  To be able to protect the traditional wine-making process and to guarantee the quality on one hand and the design inspired by Italian art on the other hand. 
